Monday, October 24, 2005

I am awake at 3 am...

After a whole month here on the island there are things that I can not get adjusted to. For example, I know that there is going to be some kind of living creature in the shower with me, but I am never prepared for it to scatter when I get in. In fact, I am really never prepared for the bugs. I always jump when I feel something crawl across me when I am in bed, and I hate that when you put down a drink ants are swarming it within 2 minutes. I take a Coke with me to school everyday for lunch, and on Friday I got really distracted as soon as I opened it so when I came back to it it wasn't covered but there were quite a few ants in it. I was ticked because Cokes are like liquid gold here, and so I made a decision. I figured that ants are a delicacy in other countries so I got as many as I could off the top and sides and shook the drink up and drank it. They were tiny ants so I figure it was no big deal, or that is what I am telling myself so that I don't get really mad at the whole ant species. I would have never tolerated it in the states. Actually, I wouldn't tolerate most things that happen here if I was in the States.
Another thing that I am not getting used to is the fact that I actually live on an island in the South Pacific. It's a weird realization, but one that is there every time you flush and the water goes the opposite direction. Or when you look up and there is no Big, Little or any other kind of dipper in the sky. The Southern Hemisphere really got jipped off when the stars were taking shape. It is so weird to be driving down the road and realize that this isn't a vacation, but actually a place of residence. I actually have less than 5 months until I become an actually resident of American Samoa. You might wonder what benefit this has, and I don't know. I do know that the price of going to the doctor will be cut in half when you are a resident. So it will be five dollars instead of ten. I would have a hard time trusting most of the doctors here because of horror stories I have heard, but I hear the dentist is great. He was actually trained in the States, so he has a real license. You can get your teeth cleaned for $10. That is great news. He also does whitening, and I am checking into that. The only downfall to him is that his name is Hansel. He has a twin sister named Gretel. Not a joke. Poor kids. Maybe his parents were big believers in fairy tales.
I have always been a partial "believer" in ghosts. When I say I believed in ghosts it wasn't a very concrete belief. I thought that I might as well believe in them a little because if there were ghosts I didn't want them to try to make a believer out of me. I figured that they would just leave me alone. Not the case here on the rock. I am a full time, hard core believer now. I am in the cross hairs of at least one really annoying one. Just In case you were wondering, yes, I realize how absurd it sounds, but take a walk in my lava lava and you will be changing your tune. I have heard about this alleged ghost since I have been here, but have never felt scared while I am at home. Early last week is when it all started. I was sitting on my couch in my living room and someone knocked on the door. It was an obvious knock, not something in the wind. The door is glass so I got up to look through it and nothing was there. I didn't discount it but it didn't bother me either until it started happening frequently. Also things are constantly being thrown at the door. I will be sitting there and will watch something fly by. I wish I was making this up but it is really happening. Tonight I am really mad at the ghost though because he is in my apartment with me, and he woke me up at 1 am, and now I can't go back to sleep. I laid in bed for at least 10 minutes afraid to open my eyes. I would just rather not see anything other worldly tonight. I have a fan beside my bed, and someone or something keeps turning it off and on, and something keeps getting put in it. This ghost is going to have to quit these shenanigans and quick. We are quickly approaching Halloween, and both All Hallows Eve and Halloween day better be anti climatic. I don't know what it is exactly but I have my suspicion...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogging hits home for OSU
' online journals, diaries or sometimes just streams of thought - ' can take on many forms.
Hello, you have made yourself a great blog! I'm immediately going to bookmark you!
I have good news at money for you to see. It is showing you a whole lot! You are invited to check it out if you get time :-)

3:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your bloggs keep me laughing. I hope you are having as much fun there as I am having, visiting there through your vivid descriptions. You are precious. Love, Debby

7:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. What an adventure! I am "almost" envious of your experience, but I could do without the critters and the ghosts..... Hope you have a wonderful time and that you are blessed as much as you are blessing others.

Nanette Soto, Monterey CofC

8:15 AM  
Blogger Jenny said...

Hi Celeste,

This is going to be really random, b/c I got your blog from a friend of your family who goes to church with you and she teaches with my mom.. haha hope that makes sense. Anyways, my name is Jenny & I'm from Lubbock as well. I am a sophomore at Villanova University in PA & was just curious about your student teaching! It sounds really amazing and I was hoping you could tell me how you found it and go into it, if you have time? My blog is a xanga & the website is or you can email me @ (yeah it's long lol) So if you have time I'd love to hear how you found out about this opportunity! Sorry this was so random, but congrats on the amazing opportunity anyways! -Jenny

12:54 PM  

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