I could have been a pioneer.
When you move across the world you don't have the opportunity to bring large quantities of things with you. So you come with the knowledge and hope that you can rewear without going to the laundry mat. The problem ensues when a) you sweat so bad that rewearing is not even a possibility and b) you don't have a car to get to the laundry mat. My next door neighbors bought a washer and dryer on Saturday and graciously said that I could use it anytime I wanted. I had hoped to use it today, but it is leaking so I can't do anything until it is fixed. Naturally, I was in a lerch for something to wear so I did what every resourceful girl would do...pick out an outfit and wash it in the sink. I never dreamed that I would have to resort to this. I filled the sink up and washed my clothes with laundry detergent. I even put fabric softener in it. The outfit is now hanging in my window and I am praying for a breeze to dry my clothes. Even if my clothes aren't "clean" they still smell good, and that makes it worth it. I am really hoping that the washer will be fixed tomorrow so that I don't have to hand wash ever again.
I've noticed that alot of things that I thought that I "had to have" in the States are fairly easy to live without. Modern convieniences aren't here and we are learning to get along without them. If I gain nothing else from this experience, Im glad that I am realizing that I don't have to have everything.
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